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Colorado Springs Water Outage

Prepare Your Landscaping in Advance

Thanks to KKTV for highlighting the upcoming water shutoff as part of a traffic construction project in the Austin Bluffs area of Colorado Springs.

Project Details

This project is part of the Academy Corridor Water Valve Replacement Project in Colorado Springs. This initiative, essential for the city’s water system reliability, is now entering its second phase. Here’s what you should know:

  • Location: The focus is at the junction of Academy Boulevard and Austin Bluffs Parkway
  • Timeline: Starting early May and wrapping up in early June
  • Goals: Enhance reliability and control in the water network

Road and Water Service Notices

  • Dates to Note: Expect water supply interruptions towards the end of April and another in May—lasting 72 hours each.
  • Traffic Adjustments: Lane closures in place around N. Academy Boulevard and Austin Bluffs Parkway. Consider alternative routes to save time.

Community Support and Information

  • Business Support: During the water outages, solutions such as portable toilets and bottled water are provided. Notably, a minimal number of businesses—seven in total—will experience water service disruptions.
  • Restoration Efforts: Teams will work tirelessly to minimize disruptions.

Ahead with the Upgrades

  • Improved System: The new valves will be situated near curbs, diminishing future road and water service inconveniences.
  • Continued Development: This is the second phase of the multi-phase project aimed at bolstering the water service. Keep an eye out for phase three in 2025.

Need more info or wish to see how traffic might be influenced? You can check traffic impact maps and further project details.

Preparing Your Property for Water Outages

Of course you’ll want to make sure that if you live in the area or have a business in the area that you’ve stocked up water in advance of the disruption. You’ll need clean water on hand for drinking, cooking, and basic sanitation.

Preparing Your Lawn for a Water Service Disruption

In light of the planned water outage due to the N. Academy Boulevard Water Valves Replacement project, you’ll need to modify your lawn care routine. Without an adequate supply, your lawn might suffer, but here’s how you can minimize the damage.

By Following These Simple Tips You Can Assure That Your Landscape Remains Healthy During This Time

Deep Watering

Once you know the exact schedule and how it will impact your property, be sure to give your lawn a deep watering session just before the outage begins – especially if it has been dry leading up to the water shutoff.

Deep watering provides water at a slow rate using drip irrigation – or your sprinkler system – that penetrates deeply into the soil, targeting the root zone of plants. This encourages the roots to grow deeper into the ground. Benefits include:

  • Root Health and Growth: Deep watering encourages plants to develop deeper root systems, which can improve their stability and ability to access nutrients and moisture from the soil.
  • Water Efficiency: By watering less frequently but more deeply, water is used more efficiently. Less water is lost to evaporation, and there’s a reduced need for frequent watering, which can save time and resources.
  • Drought Tolerance: Plants with deeper root systems are better able to withstand periods of drought because they can access moisture that is deeper in the soil profile. This is important in situations like the upcoming construction project in our area where water won’t be consistently available at certain times.
  • Reduced Weeds: Surface watering can promote the germination of weed seeds at the top layer of the soil. Deep watering can help reduce this issue by concentrating moisture at a depth that is less accessible to weed seeds.

Deep Watering Technique

To achieve deep watering, gardeners can use soaker hoses, drip irrigation systems, or simply water slowly by hand, ensuring that the water has time to penetrate deeply rather than pooling on the surface. It’s important to consider the specific water needs of different plants, as some may require more frequent watering than others, even with deep watering techniques.

Consider Xeriscaping

Residents in the area with xeriscaped yards will likely not have to have a water plan in advance of the pending water shutoff.

Xeriscaped Yards Are a Great Choice For Water Conservation

Xeriscaping is a landscaping technique that focuses on water conservation through the use of drought resistant plants and efficient irrigation techniques. By selecting native and drought-tolerant plants, xeriscaping reduces the need for excessive watering, which in turn conserves water and lowers utility bills.

For ideas on plants that work well with Xeriscaping, check out Colorado State University’s Low-Water Native Plants for Colorado Gardens: Front Range & Foothills guide.